That’s no a word! Oh yes it is!
It’s credited to our very own Graham Brown who, when reminiscing in the Howff one afternoon about the daft things say and do, the word was invented.
“That’s just gallootery” he said.
Example: The angler who said the punt was facing the wrong way. Or, again, the other angler who said the drogue wasn’t working because it had a hole in it. And then there was the fisherman who threw the oars on the pier, only to float away and had to be rescued.
I cannot in fact claim full credit for the word, “Gallootery”
I actually heard it for the first time from a friend of my dads.
Upon hearing it though I was instantly struck by how appropriate it was to describe the actions of various Galloots within the club.
A full report of all the recorded acts of Gallootery will feature later, so all you Galloots out there beware. Names will NOT be withheld to protect the guilty!